You probably know that compost can help plants grow, but did you know that it also helps the environment? Or that it helps reduce landfilling? Read on to discover the many things compost can do and how you can help!

Compost Can

…reduce greenhouse gas emissions!
Because it doesn’t release any harmful methane, composting is kinder for the planet than landfilling.

Compost Can
Compost Can

…divert waste from our landfill!
Keeping organic waste out of landfill means that landfill cells last longer and require less space, saving taxpayers’ money and reducing impact on the environment.

Compost Can
Compost Can

…turn regular soil into super soil!
Compost restructures soil to better retain moisture and acts as a natural fertilizer by introducing microorganisms and nutrients.

Compost Can
Compost Can

…absorb carbon from the atmosphere!
Compost literally pulls carbon from the atmosphere and stores it in the soil. Can it be any more incredible?!

Compost Can


It’s easy to contribute to Eco360’s composting program and play your part in helping the environment! Simply start sorting your waste and putting organics in the green bags. Organics bags are collected curbside every week. Simply sort, sit back, and let us do the rest!

Other Waste
Additional Info

What CAN go in the green bags

  1. Food: food scraps, coffee filters and grounds, bones, egg shells, tea bags, and more
  2. Yard Waste: grass clippings, leaves, sawdust, wood chips, and more
  3. Other: paper napkins, paper towels, tissue, tobacco

Compost Fun Facts!

  • We receive up to 100 metric tonnes of material per day at our compost facility.
  • Our composting process is almost completely automated.
  • The most active phase of the composting process is achieved indoors. This helps us control the environment and limit odours.
  • The sale of our CCME Category A compost that we create from your organic waste is reinvested into our operations! A full 360-degree process!

What CAN’T go in the green bags

  1. Glass and other sharp materials: They are very hard to screen out and could potentially harm animals or staff.
  2. Plastics: Please try to ensure that no plastic food packaging finds its way into the green bags.
  3. Metals and other manufactured materials: Only food scraps and organic yard waste like leaves, grass clippings, soil, flowers, and weeds should go in the green bags.

Compost Fun Facts!

  • We receive up to 100 metric tonnes of material per day at our compost facility.
  • Our composting process is almost completely automated.
  • The most active phase of the composting process is achieved indoors. This helps us control the environment and limit odours.
  • The sale of our CCME Category A compost that we create from your organic waste is reinvested into our operations! A full 360-degree process!

Bag it right!

  1. Green bags are preferred for organic waste. Get these at your local grocery store.
  2. Transparent compostable bags may also be used for organics curbside if they are certified under ASTM D 6400 or CAN/BNQ 0017-088 and have both of the following logos visible on the bags:
    BPI compostable logo
  3. Orange and paper bags can be used for yard waste only.

Compost Fun Facts!

  • We receive up to 100 metric tonnes of material per day at our compost facility.
  • Our composting process is almost completely automated.
  • The most active phase of the composting process is achieved indoors. This helps us control the environment and limit odours.
  • The sale of our CCME Category A compost that we create from your organic waste is reinvested into our operations. A full 360-degree process!

How does Eco360 turn your organics into quality compost?


It gets collected
Once you’ve done your part carefully sorting your organic waste, garbage trucks will collect your green bags at the curb and transport them to our solid waste facility in Berry Mills.


It's dropped off 
The trucks are weighed when they arrive and the organics are dumped inside our Compost Facility.


We screen out contaminants
We know you’ll have done a diligent job sorting your waste, but some contaminants may slip through. Our machinery opens the bags, removes large contaminants, and screens out metals.


We start processing… indoors!
It may sound funny, but most of the processing that turns organics into compost is done indoors. Here, we carefully monitor compost piles, add water and air as needed, and mix them to help along the composting process.


We screen again and test for quality
The compost is further screened to remove any remaining contaminants then piled outside to mature. Once mature, samples are sent to a lab for analysis to ensure the final product meets CCME Category A quality requirements.


A full 360! 
The sale of our high-quality compost generates funds that are reinvested into our operations, helping to cover the costs of machinery, maintenance, and staffing. It’s a perfect 360-degree process!

What makes Eco360 compost special?

We produce a Category A type compost per the CCME Guidelines for Compost Quality which means our compost can be sold to the market. Eco360 is a proud member of the Compost Quality Alliance as administered by the Compost Council of Canada, providing an assurance of quality control through peer review of composting processes.

Eco360 compost in action!

Every year, we conduct a compost trial project where we use different compost-to-soil ratios in garden boxes and evaluate the results.